病例男,65岁,1994年2月5日被热水烫伤四肢,以“四肢开水烫伤45%,浅Ⅱ度”收住地区医院,全身给予输液抗休克、抗感染和支持治疗,局部清创后外用湿润烧伤膏。18天后患者右足烫伤部位皮下有捻发音,怀疑气性坏疽而于次日作右小腿中上段截肢术。术后5天,患者残端切口流脓,并裂开,渗出不止。3月7日转入我院时,患者 T36.8℃,P116次/分,Bp20/12kPa(150/90mmHg)。R30次/分。意识恍惚,舌苔焦黄,腹部移动性浊音阳性。四肢、双臀部有散在创面,右
Case Male, 65 years old, February 5, 1994 Burns limbs with hot water, “limbs boiled water 45%, shallow degree Ⅱ” admitted to the district hospital, systemic infusion given anti-shock, anti-infective and supportive treatment, local debridement External topical moisturizing cream. 18 days later, the patient had a subcutaneous sclera at the site of right foot scald and was suspected of having gangrene at the upper leg of the right leg in the next day. Five days after surgery, the patient stump was emptied incision, and split open, exudate more than. March 7 into our hospital, the patient T36.8 ℃, P116 beats / min, Bp20 / 12kPa (150 / 90mmHg). R30 beats / min. Consciousness trance, brown tongue, abdominal motility dullness positive. Limbs, double hips scattered in the wound, right