纽约一家技术风险服务公司因雇佣一个非常有名的黑客作为安全咨询,引起其客户公司遭受黑客的非法入侵。 这家技术风险服务公司的合作伙伴Fred Rica,以此事件引证公司雇佣黑客作为安全顾问所承受的风险。这家公司因此警告合作公司行政长官雇佣外部黑客所承受的风险。 正当安全服务市场红火时,各种意见汇集一起,有称外部攻击本领对于检测系统安全弱点是有价值的。一安全服务公司@Stake Inc.吹嘘其雇员中包括一组波斯顿地区的有名黑客。
A technology risk services company in New York hired a very famous hacker for security advice, causing his client company to be hacked illegally. Fred Rica, a partner at technology-risk services firm, cites the company’s risk of hiring hackers as security advisors. The company therefore warned the chief executive of the partner company about the risks of hiring external hackers. At a time when the security services market is booming, all kinds of opinions are pooled together. There is a value for detecting weaknesses in the security of the system when it comes to external attacks. @Stake Inc., a security services company, boasted that its employees included a group of prominent hackers in the Boston area.