Probe on the development of Linguistics Teaching for Students of English

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  【Abstract】From 1970s,the research findings of applied linguistics in foreign countries began to cause attention of Chinese linguists.Several decades later,linguistics teaching for students of English has made great breakthroughs and fruits in many different aspects.It is constructive to review the past steps.
  【Key Words】English Linguistics; Teaching Development
  1.The Development of Linguistics Teaching in Different Times
  In 1970s,Chinese Academy of Sciences once compiled the Selected Translations of Linguistic Papers and Linguistic Reference.Beijing foreign language university established Linguistic Series.Their translation and introduction of foreign linguistic theories have made a great contribution to foreign language study in China (Bai Xiaohong,2011).In 1982,the books named Functional English (1-4) compiled by the English department in Heilongjiang University were published by foreign language teaching and research press.The textbooks apply the social linguistics theories and practical achievements of foreign countries to the education in China.This set of textbook absorbed the basic principles of functional-notional approach,highlighted the communicative language teaching,and arranged teaching contents according to the different functions of language in daily communication.
  At the beginning of 1983,English Department of Shanghai International Studies University opened “the concise course on English Linguistics” for high grade students of English.This is a course with the guidance of linguistic theory,taking English language as an object of study.This was the first case in national colleges.
  Linguistics is the fundamental knowledge for the majors in language literature and language teaching.The reading lists for students in Chinese language and literature department published by Nan Kai university in 1996 arranges linguistics to be the first item,which includes 62 linguistic works at home and abroad.In 1984,the teaching trial program raised at the teaching seminar for college English majors also propose English linguistics to be the requirement courses for English majors of undergraduates.The teaching outline for English majors in universities and colleges published by the Ministry of Education in 2000 identifies it specialized knowledge requirement courses.
  2.Experts’ Studies
  The foreign language experts like Wen Qiufang consider that linguistics teaching should focus on quality education,widen and develop students’ ways and abilities of thinking.In Wen’s project of “entry into the WTO and foreign language education”,she criticized the education for English majors,which ask students to spend much time and energy in memorizing English grammar,vocabulary and structure,consequently restricts students’ rational thinking and judging ability.The fact is that learning linguistics can just in time remedy such lack (Wen Qiufang,1999).   In Applied linguistics and Chinese English Teaching written by Gui Shichun in 1988,she pointed out that the learning of language theories may not directly improve students’ language and communication abilities.The combination between linguistic theories and foreign language learning practice also needs a long time (Gui Shichun,1988).Professor Pan Zhixin from Shanghai Communication University conducted a small scale questionnaire survey which focused on students of English who came from 26 colleges and universities in 16 areas throughout the countries and analyzed the results.It is revealed that emphasis on theoretical knowledge impartment and neglect of students’ ability development has led up to various deficiencies in teaching content and teaching methodology.
  In recent years,English educators and teachers from many universities have already realized the necessity of the course and the urgency of curriculum reform.It is still a long way for Chinese Linguistics teaching to go and leave much to be desired.
  [1]白晓虹.英语语言学发展概述[J].出国与就业(就业版), 2011(18).
  [3]文秋芳.口语教学与思维能力的培养[J].国外外语教学,1999, (2):1-4.
【摘要】本文从批判性话语分析的理论知识入手,对其概念,研究的复杂性,代表学者的理论研究和对其理论的批评和质疑观点和其理论的重大意义进行了概述,接着从大学英语读写教学的角度分析了批判性话语分析作为教学方法和手段对于学生批判性思维培养提供的新视角。  【关键词】批判性话语分析 大学读写教学 批判性思维  一、概念  批判性话语分析(critical discourse analysis)是现代语言学研
To Live(Zhang Yimou 1994)won the1994Cannes Film Festival Grand Jury Prize and a Best Actor award for Ge You.s performance.The film is an epic,multi-generational love story which “chronicles the lives
【Abstract】Task-based Language Teaching was put forward in 1980s.The present paper aims to make a brief introduction about task-based language teaching approach and investigate the application of task-
【摘要】苏州市从小学一年级起开设英语课已有四个年头,而近两年的三年级学生在学了两年英语之后,仍然沿用以三年级为起始阶段的老教材。笔者认为三年级英语教师可以根据学生的实际情况,适当进行课堂教学内容的延伸拓展,以提高课堂教学的效率。本文从语言拓展、技能拓展、文化拓展、情感拓展四个方面进行阐述,以期达到抛砖引玉的效果。  【关键词】三年级 英语课堂 拓展教学  2002年起,苏州市从小学三年级起全面开设
【摘要】在协同理论影响下,学校教学中的教学方法、策略和模式都发展了变化,相互之间起到影响作用,在教学中如何把握多模态因素的选择和使用,尤为重要。本文简单说明了多模态协同在外语教学中的应用,并以高中一堂英语竞赛课作为例子,详细分析了PPT课件的视频、音频、图片等功能和教师话语之间的协同关系。  【关键词】多模态协同 外语教学 个案研究  前言  外语课堂教学通常由多样化模态构成,涵盖着空间、身姿、音
【摘要】语言的学习离不开环境,更离不开老师和家长的表扬。人们常说“好孩子是夸出来的”,这就需要我们有一双慧眼,善于发现孩子身上的闪光点,及时肯定孩子的努力和进步,为他们今后的可持续性发展做出努力。那在日常教学过程中,我们身为一线的老师究竟怎么做才能激发孩子的学习欲望,如何做才能保持孩子的学习热情?本文简述自己在工作中尝试的做法、心得以及取得的效果。  【关键词】口头表扬 赏识教育 综合性评价  我
【摘要】在社会主义核心价值观引领下,通过“美在我心中”英文展示活动,探索传统文化融入高职英语教学的途径和方法具有重要现实意义,可以提高学生对中国传统文化精髓的领悟,增强对中华优秀传统文化信心的树立。  【关键词】中华优秀传统文化 高职英语 策略研究  一、国内外研究现状  1.国家政策的引领。习近平总书记强调培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观必须立足中华优秀传统文化,社会主义核心价值观与中华优秀传统文化
【摘要】商品品牌名作为产品形象的重要载体,是商家向消费者传达信息的重要工具。由于其承载信息的特性,产品的品牌名也是一个重要的交际工具,需符合一定的交际准则。但在生活中,我们会经常发现违反合作原则的产品名称,这可能是商家出于一定的宣传目的有意为之。本文选取了15个洗衣液的品牌名称,分析了其中对于合作原则的背离,发现大部分品牌名称都或多或少的违背了合作原则,产生了会话含意,起到了别样的宣传效果。  【
【摘要】随着我国素质教育改革的不断推进,中小学英语教学日益重视挖掘与发挥英语课程的德育价值。本文以江苏省泗阳县众兴中学为例,对该校高中一线英语教师进行教学访谈,分析了高中英语教师对学科德育价值认识的现状。  【关键词】高中英语 学科德育 课程价值  捷克教育家夸美纽斯说:任何教学都具有教育性。这个观点已经得到人们的共识。高中《英语课程标准》也体现了“寓德于教”的教育精神,倡导寓思想教育于语言教学的
【摘要】学习兴趣是学习需要的基础。激发学生学习英语的兴趣是小学阶段英语教学的一项重要的任务。而游戏教学方法在激发并培养小学生英语学习兴趣方面起着至关重要的作用。在小学英语课堂教学中,恰当地运用游戏可以调节课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的积极性。  【关键词】小学英语教学 兴趣 游戏教学法 作用  小学英语课堂中要提高学生的学习效率,离不开好的教学方法,而游戏教学法能有效地调动学生学习的积极