编辑同志:一家手机超市为招徕顾客,于一个月前,发布广告:凡在该处购买任意一部价值3 000元以上的手机,均可享有一次抽奖机会,其中一等奖奖品为价值4 900元的摩托车一辆。我购买一部价值4 600余元的手机后,获得了一次抽奖机会,并幸运地中了一等奖。不料,摩托车在驾驶时经常出现故障,短短一个月竟维修了6次。经有关部门鉴定,该摩托车为翻新产品,且存在诸多安全隐患。为此,我曾要求手机超市退换,但其却以摩托车只是奖品而非卖品为由拒绝。请问:手机超市究
Editor’s Comic: A mobile supermarket to attract customers, a month ago, advertising: where the purchase of any value of more than 3,000 yuan of mobile phones, can enjoy a lucky draw, including first prize prizes worth 4 900 A motorcycle yuan. After I bought a mobile phone worth over $ 4,600, I got a lucky draw and were lucky enough to be among the first prize winners. Unexpectedly, the motorcycle often fails when driving, actually repaired six times a month. Appraised by the relevant departments, the motorcycle is refurbished products, and there are many security risks. To this end, I had asked the mobile phone supermarket returned, but its motivation to motorcycle is only a prize rather than sell rejected. I ask: mobile supermarket research