Influence of fading on characteristics of thermal analysis curve of compacted graphite iron

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In general, during the production of compacted graphite iron (CGI), the active residual magnesium reduces and the effect of inoculation fades after magnesium treatment. In this paper, characteristics of the thermal analysis curve of CGI are compared with those of ductile iron and grey cast iron. The fading effect on the compacted graphite percentage and thermal analysis curve were also studied. Results indicate that the undercooling of CGI is as low as that of ductile iron, but CGI shows evident recalescence. In fading process, the magnesium element acts with oxygen. For a decrease in magnesium content, both the compacted graphite percentage and the austenitic liquidus temperature increase. The temperature of eutectic undercooling (TEU) decreases before the flake graphite appears. After that, TEU increases quickly, up to as high as 20℃, and then gradually decreases. The evolution of recalescence degree is opposite to that of TEU. In general, during the production of compacted graphite iron (CGI), the active residual magnesium reduces and the effect of inoculation fades after magnesium treatment. In this paper, characteristics of the thermal analysis curve of CGI are compared with those of ductile iron and gray cast iron. The fading effect on the compacted graphite percentage and thermal analysis curve were also studied. Results that undercooling of CGI is as low as that of ductile iron, but CGI shows evident recalescence. In fading process, the magnesium element acts with The temperature of eutectic undercooling (TEU) decreases before the flake graphite appears. After that, TEU increases quickly, up to as high as 20 ° C , and then gradually decreases. The evolution of recalescence degree is opposite to that of TEU.
摘 要:小学生本身注意力差,而数学又相对抽象、单调,难以吸引学生,因此,教师要巧妙设计,通过各种手段来调动学生学习的积极性,激发他们的学习兴趣,激活思维,启动内驱力,以达到使学生掌握知识,训练思维,提高教学质量的目的。  关键词:课堂教学;情感态度;教学质量  一、巧设问题,调动学生积极性  提问是课堂教学中最重要的环节,一系列精当而巧妙的提问,不仅能够落实教学内容,突出教学重点,还能充分调动学生
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