Microstructure and lateral conductivity control of hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon oxide and it

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Phosphorous-doped hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon oxide(n-nc-SiO_x:H) films are prepared via radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition(RF-PECVD). Increasing deposition power during n-nc-SiO_x:H film growth process can enhance the formation of nanocrystalline and obtain a uniform microstructure of n-nc-SiO_x:H film. In addition,in 20 s interval before increasing the deposition power, high density small grains are formed in amorphous SiO_x matrix with higher crystalline volume fraction(I_c) and have a lower lateral conductivity. This uniform microstructure indicates that the higher Ic can leads to better vertical conductivity, lower refractive index, wider optical band-gap. It improves the back reflection in a-Si:H/a-SiGe:H tandem solar cells acting as an n-nc-SiO_x:H back reflector prepared by the gradient power during deposition. Compared with the sample with SiO_x back reflector, with a constant power used in deposition process,the sample with gradient power SiO_x back reflector can enhance the total short-circuit current density(Jsc) and the initial efficiency of a-Si:H/a-SiGe:H tandem solar cells by 8.3% and 15.5%, respectively. Phosphorous-doped hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon oxide (n-nc-SiOx: H) films are prepared via radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (RF-PECVD). Increasing deposition power during n-nc-SiOx: H film growth process can enhance the formation of nanocrystalline and obtain a uniform microstructure of n-nc-SiO x: H film. In addition, in 20 s interval before increasing the deposition power, high density small grains are formed in amorphous SiO x matrix with higher crystalline volume fraction (I_c) and It improves the back reflection in a-Si: H / a-SiGe: H tandem solar Cells acting as an n-nc-SiOx: H back reflector prepared by the gradient power during deposition, the sample with gradient power used in deposition process, the sample with gradient power SiOx back reflector can enhance the total short-circuit current density (Jsc) and the initial efficiency of a-Si: H / a-SiGe: H tandem solar cells by 8.3% and 15.5%, respectively.
摘要 班主任对学生的态度和工作方法是十分重要的。学生是一个个鲜活的生命,是值得尊重的生命体,应倡导尊重理念,对学生进行人性化管理,让每一个学生真正在他的学生时代感到被尊重的快乐。改变落后的师生关系,体现学生的主体性,挖掘其潜在能力。  關键词 班级管理 尊重理念 人性化 主体性  在学校教育中,班主任工作的作用是十分重要的。小学生正处在生长发展的黄金时期,他们在学校学习虽然只有短短的6年,但
摘 要:课堂导入能够引起学生注意,激发学生学习兴趣,引起学习动机,明确学习目的,使教学内容紧扣学生心弦,是提高高中生物课堂效率的重要手段。本文就教学导入方式这一问题,谈谈自己的一些教学体会。  关键词:导入技能;反思;导入方法  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A  文章编号:1992-7711(2013)23-065-1  导入是教师在一个新的教学内容或教学活动开始前引导学生进入学习的行为方式
1955年 Heath 氏首先提出探讨精神分裂症是否为一种免疫性疾病。此后 Fessel,Solomon,Back,Torray,Strahilevitz及国人霍氏均先后有相似或不同观点的报告。1957年 Akerfeldt