
来源 :中学生数理化(八年级物理)(配合人教社教材) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zdx_comeon
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坐标图象直观、形象,蕴含丰富的信息,它能直观地描述物理量之间的变化规律,是利用数学方法解决物理问题的一种非常有效的方法.图象问题几乎贯穿于初中物理课程的始末,通过对图象分析题的考查,不仅有利于促进同学们理解物理规律,同时可以培养同学们从图象中提取信息、解决问题的能力.描述物体运动时一般涉及速度(v)、路程(s)、时间(t)三个物理量,在分析实际问题时,利用坐标图象可以更直观地反映两个物理量之间的关系,使问题变得更简单.描述物体运动的图象一般有两种:①路程一时问图象(s-t图象);②速度一时间图象(v-t图象).不论是哪一种,解题的一般思路都是:(1)弄清图象的横、纵坐标各表示什么物理量;(2)明确图象表示的物理过程,弄清起点、终点的位置,以及交叉点、拐点的含义;(3)明确坐标上每一个小格表示的数值;(4)结合公式进行分析. The intuitive and vivid imagery contains abundant information, which can intuitively describe the variation law between physical quantities and is a very effective method to solve the physical problems by mathematical methods. The image problem runs through the junior middle school physics curriculum , By examining the image analysis questions, not only help to promote students to understand the laws of physics, students can also develop the ability to extract information from the image, to solve the problem.Description objects generally involve speed (v), distance s) and time (t), when analyzing practical problems, the use of coordinate images can more directly reflect the relationship between the two physical quantities and make the problem simpler. The image describing the object movement generally has two Species: ① distance one moment asked the image (st image); ② speed one time image (vt image). Either way, the general idea of ​​solving problems are: (1) to understand the image of the horizontal, (2) a clear picture of the physical process to clarify the starting point, the location of the end point, as well as the meaning of the intersection point, inflection point; (3) clear the coordinates of each of the small grid said numerical; (4) ) Combined with the formula for analysis.
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