Polymerization reaction in restricted space of layered double hydroxides(LDHs)

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianshiye45
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This paper reported the preparation of styrene sulfonate intercalated layered double hydroxides (LDHs) material, SS-LDHs by coprecipitation method, followed by in-situ polymerisation of the monomers in the interlayer space of LDHs. The polymerisation reaction was monitored by UV and NMR. It is confirmed that when the reaction oc- curred at 100℃ for 24 h, part of monomers did not react. When the reaction was carried out at 150℃, the polymeriza- tion of the intercalated monomers is complete to afford the polymer intercalated product PSS-LDHs. During the polym- erization process, the layered structure remains well. At the same time the gallery height increases with the lengthening of reaction time. This is preliminarily because that the PSS becomes more swelling with the amount of water it absorbs due to its hygroscopicity property. This paper reported the preparation of styrene sulfonate intercalated layered double hydroxides (LDHs) material, SS-LDHs by coprecipitation method, followed by in-situ polymerisation of the monomers in the interlayer space of LDHs. The polymerisation reaction was monitored by UV and NMR. It is confirmed that when the reaction oc-curred at 100 ° C for 24 h, part of monomers did not react. When the reaction was carried out at 150 ° C, the polymeriza- tion of the intercalated monomers is complete to afford the polymer intercalated product During the polym-erization process, the layered structure remains well. At the same time the gallery height increases with the lengthening of reaction time. This is preliminarily because that the PSS becomes more swelling with the amount of water it absorbs due to its hygroscopicity property.
摘 要:随着新课改理念的深入人心,广大一线教师都在苦苦追寻着培养学生综合能力,提升学生综合素质的良方。但是,在教学过程中,我们发现很多学生的学习方法仅靠记忆,分析能力相对薄弱,这不仅导致其在校的学习与付出不成正比,更让其离校之后,没有足够的能力去解决在生活中遇到的难题。  关键词:分析能力;培养;习题拓展  秉持新课改理念的我们,如何将能力培养融入物理教学是我们探索的重点目标。而习题教学是物理教学
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