Operational Guide to Intellectual Property Licensing

来源 :中国专利与商标 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cloudwindbase
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(Issued by the Shenzhen City Intellectual Property Office on 24 September 2008) Chapter One General Rules Article 1 (Aim) With a view to promoting effective appli- cation of the intellectual property, building intellectual prop- erty earning power and reducing economic and legal risks in the intellectual property licensing activities, this Guide has been formulated under the relevant state laws and regula- tions in the light of the practical situation in Shenzhen city. (Issued by the Shenzhen City Intellectual Property Office on 24 September 2008) Chapter One General Rules Article 1 (Aim) With a view to promoting effective appli- cation of the intellectual property, building intellectual prop- erty earning power and reducing economic and legal risks in the intellectual property licensing activities, this Guide has been formulated under the relevant state laws and regula- tions in the light of the practical situation in Shenzhen city.
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