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  原 文
  [1] 得知周有光先生的去世,我思绪万千,伫立良久,一时不知用怎样的语言来表达。
  [2] 111岁的人生,特别是对一个学者,算是难得的了,但我觉得作为一个 “例外”(他曾说,上帝太忙,把他回归的事给忘了),他的神话还应该再延续一段。
  [3] 我虽没有见过周先生,但我的心距他很近。他住在北京沙滩后街,我原住北京西四,地理位置接近。更主要的是,我常阅读、翻译他的书,关心着他的事。前两天,我还向耄耋的父母提起周先生,说他们要像他那样想得开,勤动脑,活百岁。
  译 文
  [1] After learning the news that Mr. Zhou Youguang had died, I stood there for a moment in silence with a myriad of thoughts and moods all at once, and was at a total loss for words.
  [2] He passed away at the age of 111, which is quite rare for a scholar. Concerning his longevity, he once said “God is too busy to bring me back to heavens”, I still nevertheless fantasized that this myth could continue much longer.
  [3] Although I was not fortunate enough to meet Mr. Zhou, my heart was very closely related to his. This may partly be due to my residence in Xisi, Beijing, which is not far from Shatan
  Houjie where he lived. More importantly, I have been reading and translating his books, and concerned about everything relevant to him all the time. Just several days ago, I mentioned him to my parents, both in their eighties, setting Mr. Zhou as a paradigm for them to follow in terms of optimism, diligence and longevity.
  譯 注
  在[1]中,关于“去世”有多种译语,比较委婉的有pass away, go off, go aloft, pass on等,此处先用了较为客观的die,下面再转用他词;而kick the bucket 等则是较为不敬的用法。“我思绪万千,伫立良久”不妨整合为一句,且前后次序可调整。“不知用……语言来表达”有多种译法,如…is beyond expression/any expression; …is hard to put my feelings into words; It cannot be expressed by words等,这里译得较为通俗。
  在[2]中,这里的“例外”显然是指他的长寿(longevity),故可不必译成special case, exception等,而括号中的(他曾说,……)也可在译文中展开。
  在[3]中,“没有见过周先生”没有译成I didn’t meet Mr. Zhou,而是用了was not fortunate enough to…,表现的是一种情感和愿望,即若是生前能见他一面该多好!“地理位置接近”似可译成 We are geographically closed,但在两地之间有了which is not far from…已够明了。同时,对于“想得开,勤动脑,活百岁”亦不宜按字面意思翻译,而可做些相应变通。
  原 文
  [4] 生于1906年,周先生经历了数个时代,见证了无数的社会动荡。他在日本留过学,在美国工作过,还游历了很多国家,同爱因斯坦有过几次交谈。在世时,他每日读书,关注国内外事态,百岁之后每年还能出版一两本书。他精通英、法、日三种外语,一生著述三十余部,涉及经济、语言、文化等多个领域。他说,老来才知什么是“温故而知新”。
  [5] 当然,我最钦佩周先生敢讲真话的勇气。
  [6] 他在110岁时说:民国时期民众有文化,学界有国际一流学术成果,社会有言论自由,教师能教出
  译 文
  [4] Born in 1906, Mr. Zhou Youguang experienced several regimes and countless chaotic social conditions around him. He studied in Japan, worked in the United States and travelled to many countries. He even had several conversations with Albert Einstein! Reading was routinely part of his life. He said, in his twilight years, that he had realized what it meant to “gain new insights through reviewing old knowledge”. Being proficient in English, French and Japanese apart from his native Chinese, he was always well informed and up-to-date with domestic and foreign affairs. In total, he wrote more than 30 books (including one or two books a year after his hundredth birthday), in the fields of economics, linguistics, culture and other subjects.
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