函数与几何的综合应用题,重点在考查考生综合应用函数、几何的知识解决实际问题的能力,是中考考查的重点内容,常为中考中的压轴题,这类题有两种基本类型.1 几何元素之间的函数关系问题 解这类问题应根据几何图形的性质,建立函数与自变量表示的几何元素之间的等量关系,
The comprehensive application of functions and geometry focuses on the examinee’s ability to comprehensively apply functions and geometric knowledge to solve practical problems. It is the key content of the examination, and is often the final topic in the examination. There are two basic types of such questions. 1 The problem of the functional relationship between geometric elements Solving such problems should establish the equal relationship between the function and the geometric elements represented by the independent variables according to the nature of the geometry.