An Analysis of English Teaching Methods in Middle School

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  【Abstract】English teachers and researchers have always been trying to find an ideal way to teach foreign languages. To explore the factors that affects the choice of teaching methods, this paper interviewed four teachers from the First Middle School, in Juye, Shandong Province. The results reveal that (1) The choice of teaching methods is related to students’ proficiency. Different learning levels need different methods. (2) The current teaching method is effective. But for senior students, it is better to add more methods that emphasize on critical thinking. The results of this paper will be helpful to English teaching and learning in middle school.
  【Key words】Teaching Methods; Influencing Factors; Learning Proficiency
  What is“teaching method”? According to Brown (2001), teaching methods can be defined as three hierarchies: teaching approach, teaching method and teaching technique. For example, grammar translation method and direct method are both considered to be teaching methods.
  From the mid-1980s, professionals have been seeking an ideal method to teach foreign languages (Wu Haiyan, 2010). However, qualitative research is comparatively less. Therefore, in this study, an in-depth interview are conducted to explore what factors should be considered when choosing teaching methods and what is the effect of current methods. Besides, the following questions are put forward:
  1. Does teaching contents affect the choice of methods?
  2. Are the current methods helpful to achieve teaching goals?
  Ⅰ. Research Design
  1.1 Subjects
  The subjects are four English teacher (two men and two women) from Grade 7 and Grade 9 of the First Middle School in Juye, Shandong Province.
  1.2 Instruments
  A semi-structured interview is designed for the teacher. The main questions includes ‘what teaching methods do you often use in your class?’, ‘Why do you use these methods?’, etc.
  1.3 Data Collection and Analysis
  All subjects are told the purpose of the interview previously, and they promise that they will take it sincerely and answer based on their teaching experiences. During the interview, recordings are taken for further analysis. And after the interview, the recordings are faithfully transcribed into text. Then data are encoded and sorted.
  Ⅱ. Results and Discussion
  2.1 Teaching contents and methods
  The interview shows that teachers in Grade Sevenuse audiolingual method and grammar translation frequently.This is probably because students’ language ability is in beginning level and they need to be taught some basic knowledge. In contrary, in Grade Nine, teachers use methods like communicative teaching method and the silent way more frequently as students in this level have mastered the basic knowledge. And teachers pay more attention to students’ communicative competence, abstract thinking ability and generalization ability in the actual language environment. Therefore, for different levels of students and different teaching contents, different teaching methods are adopted.   2.2 Teaching methods and goals
  Each method can help to achieve some of specific teaching objectives, such as listening and speaking help to cultivate students’ pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, listening and speaking ability. A teacher say that nowadays, most teaching methods emphasize ‘real personal experience’, that is, the social and communicative ability of language. While for senior students, it is better to add some methods that can improve students’ abstract thinking and cooperation, the cultivation of students’ interest and ability to self-construction (Zhang Delu, Ding Zhaofen, 2013).
  Ⅲ. Conclusion
  This study explores factors influencing English teaching methods in middle school classes. Teachers should select effective methods based on specific language environment, curriculum objectives and students’ proficiency to achieve teaching goals. Shifting the function of teaching methods. Traditional teaching holds that teaching is a one-way activity from teachers’ teaching to learners’ learning. However, teaching is a multilateral activity among teachers and students, or students and students. So teaching methods should be shifted from cramming system to transferring knowledge, training ability and improving quality. And teachers are expected to encourage students’ participation, interaction and cooperation.
【摘要】如何转化英语学困生是广大英语教育工作者一直以来都很关心的问题。近些年,随着我国教育的发展,核心素养理念渐渐为人们所熟知。该理念的提出,既为我国的教育教学带来了新的思路,与此同时,也为广大教育工作者解决教学中所面临的问题提供了理论依据。本文主要就核心素养背景下转化英语学困生的策略进行浅析,以期能给各位小学英语教师同行带来一些启示和参考。  【关键词】核心素养;小学;英语教学;学困生转化  【
【摘要】学生在学习英语的过程中兴趣是重要的但是同时不要忘记在英语学习中存在的问题。因此在教学中发现问题并且直面问题也是提高课堂教学效果和学习成绩的关键。在教学中,教师必须钻研教材,潜心发现学生在学习过程中存在的普遍问题,才能够根据不同的教学内容去运用不同的教学方法去设计教学活动,让学生在学习的过程减少害怕的心理,从而树立学生英语学习的成就感和自信心。  【关键词】英语教学;存在问题;解决途径  【
【摘要】CLT教学法(Communicative Language Teaching交际语言教学)一直深刻地影响着初中英语教学改革并发挥着积极作用。但是在其实施过程中,由于受到教师教学的压力、学生的抵抗、中考高风险测试,考试成绩的反洗效果等因素的制约而影响了其在具体教学中的应用。只有对CLT教学法进行不断改造与创新,探究在具体教学中的应用成效策略,才可以真正推动初中英语教学法的快速发展。  【关键
【摘要】评价是英语课程的重要的有机组成部分。科学的评价体系是实现课程目标的重要保障。在教学中,关注结果的同时关注过程,使对学习过程和对学习结果的评价达到和谐统一。  【关键词】形成性评价;日常学习记录;学生自评;学生互评;教师评价  【作者简介】朱夏萍,厦门市海沧区鳌冠小学。  根据《英语课程标准》的要求,英语课程的评价体系要“采用形成性评价与终结性评价相结合的方式,既关注结果,又关注过程,使对学
【摘要】在新课改的背景下,课堂的教学中心正在逐渐由教师向学生转变,一切教学活动的开展都以学生为主体而开展。以学生为中心的英语阅读教学可以促进学生学会自主学习,学生在阅读的过程中自觉地将自身置于一个主动者的角色,积极的投入到学习中。在初中引进这种教学模式可以保障课堂的效率和教学质量。  【关键词】初中英语;英语阅读;有效教学;学生中心  【作者简介】丰华,内蒙古通辽市库伦旗白音花学校。  英语阅读在
【摘要】名著类阅读,是初中学生了解英语文化,汲取英语知识的重要渠道。名著大多年代久远,叙事庞杂,学生难于理解。教师要利用好文本上的插图,帮助学生理解名著。插图大多生动、形象、也都抓住了文本的内核。如果能从插图入手,进行阅读,学生会更感兴趣,也更能读懂内涵。以牛津初中英语八年级下册 Unit4 A Good Read为例,谈谈如何利好好插图进行阅读。  【关键词】插图;导入;复述;表演  【作者简介
【摘要】游戏教学法是较为科学的教学方法,在相对轻松,快乐的环境下能提高小学生学习英语的效率。小学生年纪还小,通常贪玩好动,兴趣是小学生学习的动力,小学阶段是英语学习的启蒙阶段,在此阶段激发小学生学习英语的兴趣是教学重点之一。因此,在小学英语教学中要重视以“玩”激趣的方式开展教学。  【关键词】游戏教学 以“玩”激趣 小学英语  前言  随着教学方法的不断改进,越来越多的小游戏被应用于小学英语教学中