长葛市佛耳岗灌区位于市域北中部,取水水源是佛耳岗水库。设计灌溉面积0.68万hm~2,属中型灌区,设计灌溉保证率为75%,基本上属农业灌溉。1 灌区现状及存在问题农村实行土地承包以后,农业经济逐步由计划经济向市场经济转轨。但是,灌区管理却依然延用计划经济模式下的管理办法,即“灌区管理所+乡(镇)水利站+农村基层组织”的多层
The Foonggang Irrigation District of Changge City is located in the north central part of the city, and the water intake source is Foergang Reservoir. Design irrigation area of 68800 hm ~ 2, is a medium-sized irrigation area, design irrigation guarantee rate of 75%, basically agricultural irrigation. 1 Irrigation Status and Existing Problems After the implementation of land contract in rural areas, the agricultural economy gradually transformed from a planned economy to a market economy. However, the management of irrigated areas still adopts the management method under the mode of planned economy, that is, the multi-layer of “Irrigation Management Office + Township Water Station + Rural Grassroots Organization”