七二五所研究的新材料——水下修补涂料,在宝钢码头修复中,发挥重要作用,获得良好的社会效益。 1987年8月13日,上海宝山钢铁公司的主原料码头,被一艘失控的外国轮船拦腰撞断。宝钢的铁矿石,主要依靠海上运输,意外的事故给宝钢的正常生产造成严重的威胁。在研究如何修复时,有人提出,要码头的原设计单位——日方来修,这样做不但需要大量外汇,而且工期太长,宝钢损失太大。我国政府果断决定,依靠国内力量抢修。支撑码头的巨大钢桩上,要涂装一种特制的涂料,经过充分的论证比较,码头抢修指挥部决定选用七二五所研制的一种新涂料——海洋结构物水下修补涂料。三吨多涂料按时送到了抢修工地,绛红色的涂料,牢牢地粘附在粗大的钢桩上,原料码头被按期修复好。采用国产材料迅速地修复好巨大的码头,这标志着我国的科技水平和生产能力达到了新水平。
The new material researched by July 25th, the underwater repair paint, plays an important role in the repair of Baosteel Wharf and obtains good social benefits. August 13, 1987, the main raw material terminal of Shanghai Baoshan Iron and Steel Company, was stopped by a runaway foreign ship. Baosteel’s iron ore mainly relies on maritime transportation, and unexpected accidents pose a serious threat to Baosteel’s normal production. When studying how to repair it, some people suggested that it is necessary for the original designer of the wharf, the Japanese side to repair it. This not only requires a large amount of foreign exchange but also requires a long period of work and the loss from Baosteel is too great. Our government decisively decides to rely on the repatriation of domestic forces. To support the pier’s huge steel piles, it is necessary to paint a special paint. After full demonstration and comparison, the dock repair headquarters decided to use a new coating developed by 725-the underwater repair coating of marine structures. Three tons of paint on time sent to the repair site, magenta paint, firmly adhered to the thick steel piles, raw materials dock was repaired regularly. The rapid repair of huge wharfs using domestic materials marks a new level of our country’s science and technology and production capacity.