对全球汽车大鳄来说,中东、东南亚、南美洲西半部地区以及北非地区可能是最后的高地,其中最有潜力的是中东地区,尽管那里政治动荡全球汽车巨头正在享受金砖四国——巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国——汽车销售带来的好处。如果他们未来十年希望复制这种局面,就必须在目前汽车保有量较低的其他四个主要区域市场发力。波士顿咨询集团(Boston Consulting Group)最近的一份研究报告圈出了这四个区域,分别是中东、东南亚、南
For global auto makers, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, the western half of South America and North Africa may be the last highlands, the most potential of which is the Middle East, despite the political turmoil there Global giants are enjoying the BRIC countries - Brazil, Russia, India and China - the benefits of car sales. If they want to replicate the situation in the next decade, they must work in the other four major regional markets that currently have lower car ownership. A recent study by the Boston Consulting Group circled these four regions: the Middle East, Southeast Asia and South