危重医学是60年代新兴的一门临床学科。宗旨为危及生命的急性重症患者提供高技术和高质量的医疗服务。临床基地是加强医疗病房(Intensive care unit,ICU)。对于收治在综合ICU的危重病患者发生单个或多个器官或系统功能衰竭时,主张不失时机地给予延续的支持治疗,动态的生理功能监测并对病因进行积极治疗,以最终控制原发疾病。这是继复苏后的一种更高层次的医疗服务。1983年美国国立卫生研究院经过专题讨论,达成共识,把复苏治疗与复苏后
Critical care medicine is a new clinical discipline in the 1960s. Aims To provide high-tech and high-quality medical services to critically ill critically ill patients. The clinical site is Intensive Care Unit (ICU). In the event of a single or multiple organ or systemic failure in critically ill patients admitted to the ICU, it is up to time to give continued supportive care, dynamic physiological function monitoring and active treatment of the cause to ultimately control the underlying disease. This is a higher level of medical service following the recovery. 1983 National Institutes of Health after a thematic discussion, reached a consensus, the recovery treatment and recovery