名词化(nominalization)长期以来受到语言学研究的关注。有关名词化的争论由来已久,观点对立。反对名词化的观点认为,名词化是一种抽象化的手段,表意不清。赞成名词化的观点认为,在实际语言使用中,使用名词化可使科技和学术语篇给人以客观和正式的感觉。批评话语分析(Critical Discourse Analysis)从意识形态的角度探讨了名词化的功与过,诟病其隐藏信息、扭曲信息。然而通过分析该学派讨论名词化的语篇,笔者发现,他们自己也无法独善其身。
Nominalization has long been the focus of linguistic research. The argument about nominalization has a long history and the opposite viewpoints. Opposition to the nominalization of the view that nominalization is an abstract means, the intelligible. In favor of nominalization, the use of nominalization in practical language use gives both scientific and academic discourse an objective and formal feeling. Critical Discourse Analysis explores the work and functions of nominalization from the ideological point of view, criticizing its hidden information and distorting information. However, by analyzing the school to discuss the nominalized discourse, I find that they themselves can not be their own.