1.引言当今我们是处在一个大数据、云计算、网络化、全球化、万物互联(Internet of Things)、人类逐步走向太空的信息时代。高科技的迅速发展、经济的全球化、信息高速公路的大普及,带来了全球性的商品流、信息流、技术流、人才流、文化流,国家与国家之间、地区与地区之间的交流日益频繁,而且日趋多样化。要让这一条条细流汇合成畅通无阻的洪流,语言能力是一个不可或缺的必备条件;
1. Introduction Today we are in an era of big data, cloud computing, networking, globalization, the Internet of Things and the gradual movement of mankind into space. The rapid development of high technology, economic globalization, and the popularization of the information superhighway have brought about a global flow of goods, information, technology, talent, culture, between countries and regions, regions and regions The exchange is more frequent and more diversified. To make this a stream of confluence unobstructed torrent, language ability is an indispensable prerequisite;