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如今,在富饶美丽的八百里泰川,夏秋季节吃翡翠面,已成为一种饮食时尚。翡翠面,俗称菠菜面,是由唐代宫廷食品“槐叶冷淘”演变而来。“槐叶冷淘”的制作方法是:将槐树叶洗净、捣碎,挤压出绿色的叶汁和面,擀成细面条,煮熟捞出,放入冷开水中漫凉,再沥水放入盆中,浇以熟油搅拌,使条条分开不粘,然后放入井中或冰窖里冷藏,食用时取出调以佐料即可。《唐六典》载:“太官令夏供槐叶冷淘,凡朝会燕飨,九品以上并供其膳食。”杜甫曾写诗赞道:“青青高槐叶,采 Today, in the rich and beautiful 800 Baili Chuan, emerald noodles in summer and autumn to eat, has become a diet fashion. Emerald noodles, commonly known as spinach, is the Tang Dynasty court food ”Huai Ye cold Amoy “ evolved. ”Huai leaf cold Amoy “ production method is: Wash the locust leaves, crushed, squeezed out of green leaf juice and noodle, roll into thin vermicelli, cooked remove, add cold water to cool, Then drained into the basin, pouring cooked oil mixing, so that separate the stick is not sticky, and then into the well or ice cold storage, remove the seasoning can be eaten. ”Tang six Code“ contains: ”too official summer for Huai Ye cold Amoy, where North Korea will Yan Yan, more than nine and for their diet.“ ”Du Fu had written poetry praise: "
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Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer type worldwide among women and more than 90% of patients die from tumor metastasis. Lycorine, a natural alka
当您的小孩因各种原因,未满十月即呱呱坠地时,除了意外惊喜,您有没有想过在这个粉嫩的小生命的血液中,可能有一种 When your child for various reasons, less than Octobe
由北京饭店独家经营的谭家菜创立至今已有百余年的历史.如今谭家菜在继承传统风格的基础上,又创新了许多适合百 Tan Jia Cai, run exclusively by Beijing Hotels, has bee
Chongqing Jinmao Textile Accessories Co.,Ltd.is a key enterprise specialized in manufacturing steel travelers and steel rings for spinning as well as various st
时广南,山东省蓬莱市时金河村人,高级烹调技师.北京名厨联谊会会员.时广南师傅1950年进入北京餐饮业,1952年在丰泽园学 When Guangnan, Penglai City, Shandong Province K
大凡到过贵阳的人都知道肠旺面色香味美。历经100多年的沧桑,现在没有哪条街不经营肠旺面。可以说,肠旺面已占领了贵阳餐饮市场小吃类的半壁江山。  讲到肠旺面的独特,有山西刀削面的刀法,兰州拉面的劲道,四川担担面的滋润,武汉热干面的醇香。肠旺面始创于清朝晚期。据老一辈厨师传说,100多年前,贵阳北门桥一带肉案林立。桥头有傅、颜两家面馆,他们用肉案上的猪肥肠和猪血旺做成肠旺面,以招徕前来买肉和卖菜的顾客