Based on the existing theory of cyclic performance analysis, the P-V-T correlation of working fluid was used to calculate the thermodynamic properties of the working fluid using the equation of state of the working fluid and the thermodynamic parameters of the working fluid were calculated by the general thermodynamic relationship. By using the improved theoretical cycle performance calculation method, the relationship between the cycle efficiency of the heat pump cycle and the cycle parameters and the cycle in the design operating conditions of the condensing temperature of 20 to 50 ° C and the temperature of 45 to 70 ° C are achieved by using HFC134a pure substance, Study on the Characteristics of Parameter Selection and System Regeneration Cycle Performance. The low temperature heat pump system for this type of working medium, when the cycle has a reasonable temperature rise, it has a higher COP and a smaller pressure ratio, the optimal parameters and optimal cycle of the heat pump under various application conditions. The results show that the pure HFC134a has potential as a cryogenic heat pump.