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近年来阿里地委狠抓农牧区党的基层组织建设,取得了一定的成效,但少数农牧区基层党组织软弱涣散,创造力、凝聚力、战斗力不强,同新形势、新任务要求不相适应的问题还不同程度地存在:少数党员干部忽视理论学习,政治信念淡薄,思想观念保守,工作方法陈旧,作风缺乏深入等与农牧区的工作不适应的问题还比较突出,这些都在一定程度上制约了阿里地区“一加强、两促进”历史任务的进程。在江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想指导下,为了更好学习、宣传、实践“三个代表”重要思想,阿里地委开展了“千名干部进牧区,理思路、促发展”活动,大大加强了农牧区党的基层组织建设,使党的基层组织像一朵朵鲜艳的红柳花绽放在阿里高原,为新时期加强和改进党的基层组织建设做出了有益探索。 In recent years, Ali prefectural Party committees pay more attention to the grass-roots party organizations in animal husbandry and achieved some success, but a small number of grassroots party organizations in rural areas and pastoral areas are weak, creative, cohesive, combat is not strong, with the new situation and new tasks do not The problem of adaptation still exists to some extent: the problem that minority party members and cadres ignore the theoretical study, the weak political beliefs, the conservative ideological concepts, the outdated working methods, the lack of style and other work are not well suited to the work in rural and pastoral areas is still outstanding To a certain extent, restricted the process of the historic task of “strengthening and promoting two areas” in Ali area. Under the guidance of Comrade Jiang Zemin and the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ in order to better study, publicize and practice the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ Ali prefectural committee has conducted ’one thousand cadres into the pastoral areas and rational thinking, and urged Development "activities have greatly strengthened the building of grassroots organizations of the party in rural and pastoral areas so that the grassroots organizations of the party bloom like bright red willows in the Altiplano, which has made a significant contribution to strengthening and improving the party’s grassroots organizations in the new era explore.
国家教育部制定的科学(3-6年级)课程标准(实验稿)明确指出: “小学科学是以培养科学素养为宗旨的科学启蒙课程”.科学素养是人类在各种探究活动中对科学概念和科学方法的认识
零零后,不能遗忘“文革”  丁句  著名作家张贤亮走了,编剧史航微博称:“张贤亮去世了!固一世之雄也,而今安在哉。”作家洪峰表示,“看到前辈张贤亮病逝的消息,心刺痛。记忆被激活,他誉满中国时我还是他的读者。”导演陆川则称张贤亮为“这个时代我最喜爱的文学大家之一”,并说:“《灵与肉》《绿化树》等震撼人心的作品肯定会载入中国文学的史册。”  然而,在网上贴吧里也流传着这样的帖子:“张贤亮是谁啊? 零零