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   Hostess: In Nepal, there is a young girl who’s selected as a living goddess. She’s worshipped, yet she lives a sheltered life. What do you mean by “a living goddess”?
   Reporter: Well, the living goddess, who’s actually referred to as a “Kumari Baby,” is a young girl who’s chosen as young as three or four years of age, and she lives a lifestyle of seclusion. She’s actually revered as a goddess. The Nepali Hindus and Buddhas believe her to actually have the incarnation of the Hindu God Durga within her body, so she is considered an actual goddess. There’re actually a number of Kumaris in Nepal, the most famous of which is in Katmandu, the capital city. And each community has their own living goddess, and the locals in the community will come out and seek her blessings and come to her and pay their respects, so she’s sort of given this role as a divine being.
   Hostess: So how is she chosen?
   Reporter: Well, actually, that’s a good question. The selection process is said to be quite intense. What happens is the highest caste girls from the community of the Shakka clan, which is the clan where most of the Kumaris come from, are all assembled, when it’s time to choose a new living goddess, and the temple priests put them through a series of tests, and they make sure their neck is shaped perfectly. Some say they have to have a neck shaped like a conch shell, they have to have a strong body, they have to have perfect teeth, so they’re evaluated for their looks and also for their fearlessness. It’s said that they are put in a dark room with severed animal heads in front of them, and they’re told to go in this room and act…
   Hostess: Spend the night there or something?
   Reporter:. …spend…spend maybe an hour or two, and the fearless girl is said to actually be divine, so that’s how they actually choose these goddesses.
   Hostess: Tough criteria. So, once you’re chosen as a Kumari, are you a Kamari for your whole life?
   Reporter: No, you’re not. You’re actually a Kumari until you hit puberty, so these girls will end their term when they’re 12 or 13, and then they’re cast back into society and they revert back to a normal life, and they become a mortal again, at which point a new Kumari is selected. And while she is a Kumari, though, she is not allowed to go outside and play with her friends. She is confined to her house. She is allowed a tutor. In recent years they’ve educated the Kumaris. In old times they were not even allowed to get educated. But she lives a very isolated life, so when she returns to her mortal status, it’s very difficult for her to interact with society.    Hostess: So is a Kumari able to get married?
   Reporter: Well, it’s actually considered bad luck for a man to marry a Kumari, so many men believe they would die young if they married a former Kumari, but, in recent years, the Kumaris have been getting married. Some husbands have actually lived a long life, so Kumaris are now able to get married because they don’t worry about it as much as they did in the past.
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