目前,我国大多数企业管理者不太重视信息的组织技术。实际上,自从计算机问世以来,信息组织技术已有了突飞猛进的发展,先后出现了数字计算、多媒体、大型数据库、数据集市等。目前,又有人在系统集成的基础上提出了信息集成的概念。 那么,什么是信息集成呢?信息集成是指在信息系统建设和运行的过程中,始终以有效信息的使用为出发点和终结点,组织调动一切技术手段为信息的有效使用服务。
At present, most enterprise managers in our country do not pay much attention to the information technology. In fact, since the advent of computers, the technology of information organization has progressed by leaps and bounds. Digital computing, multimedia, large-scale databases and data marts have emerged. At present, some people put forward the concept of information integration on the basis of system integration. So, what is information integration? Information integration refers to the information system in the process of construction and operation, and always use the effective information as the starting point and the end point, organize the mobilization of all technical means for the effective use of information services.