中国科学院自然科学史研究所年交花甲的张驭寰教授,研究中国古代建筑史已有三十五个春秋。用考古专家阎文德的话说,这位出自梁思成先生门下的弟子,“对建筑界之贡献诚非一般者可比”。 今年四月,张驭寰主持编写的《中国古代建筑技术史》在国内出版,并有英文版向世界发行。这部一百二十多万字、并有一千八百多张照片的大八开本著作,是中国建筑史学界第一次对本民族古代建筑技术作出的全面总结。著名桥梁专家茅以升称它是“展现我国古代建筑成就的历史画卷”。国内建筑史学界认为:这部汇集了百余名有关专家学者十年心血的专著问世,标志着中国古建筑技术史的研究领域,结束了一个使中国人感到羞愧的时代。
Professor Zhang Yuhuan, a professor of the history of the history of natural sciences at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has studied ancient architecture history in China for 35 years. In the words of archaeologist Yan Wende, this disciple, who came from Mr. Liang Sze-cheng, is “comparable to the contribution made by the construction community.” In April this year, Zhang Yuhuan presided over the preparation of the “History of Ancient Chinese Architecture and Technology” published in the country, and an English version to the world. This 1.2 million words, and more than 1,800 photographs of the eighth edition of this book is the first time for Chinese architectural history academic community to make a comprehensive summary of ancient building technology. Mao Yisheng, a famous bridge expert, calls it “a historical picture of the achievements of ancient architecture in our country.” According to the domestic architectural historians, this book has brought together over a hundred monographs of experts and scholars who have devoted ten years to marking the research field of the history of Chinese ancient architecture and ending an era that made the Chinese feel ashamed.