女作家陈学昭写过一本著名小说《工作着是美丽的》。确实如此,人只有在工作中才能闪射出绚丽的火花,给生命、给社会带来色彩与光华。著名影星潘虹说:“我喜欢一句话,就是我希望人一生都美丽。”她是这样说的,也是这样做的。难怪她与米家山离婚后,拍片少了,经商忙得不亦乐乎。原来她是为美丽的人生而工作着的。 六月二日,潘虹刚刚结束了台湾30集电视连续剧《地久天长》的拍摄,就从北京风尘仆仆来到浙江沿海小城椒江,参加“市一百”的“潘虹时装精品”的开业剪彩活动。她那美丽的形象、平易近人的性格、加上特有的涵养与高贵的品格,温柔而善良。她赢得了椒江市成千上万观众的青睐。在剪彩典礼上数以千计的群众涌入“市一百”大楼,为一睹明星的丰彩。潘虹在人群
The writer Chen Xuezhao wrote a famous novel “Work is beautiful.” Indeed, people only in the work to flash a glittering spark to life, to bring color and glory to society. Pan Hong, a famous movie star, said: “I like a word, that is, I want people to be beautiful all their life.” She said so, too. It is no wonder that after she divorced with Mycena, filming was less and business was too busy. It turned out she is working for a beautiful life. On June 2, Pan Honggang just finished shooting Taiwan’s 30-episode TV series, “Everlasting Love,” and traveled from Beijing to Jiaojiang, a small coastal city in Zhejiang Province, to participate in the opening ceremony of “Pan Hong Fashion Boutique” of “100 City” . Her beautiful image, approachable character, coupled with unique conservation and noble character, gentle and kind. She won the Jiaojiang City, thousands of viewers of all ages. Thousands of people crowded into the “100 City” building at the ribbon-cutting ceremony to see the fame of the stars. Pan Hong in the crowd