就在中国男队以准主力阵容出战欧洲战绩平平之后,11月28日,8位小将在陈健和黄海城两位教练的带领下东征扶桑,参加世界青年锦标赛的角逐。 神户六日,斩获六金,中国队的青年近卫军仅在男双项目上失手于东道主选手岸川圣也/水谷隼。毫无疑问,若干年后,世青赛上的对手将成为一个又一个令人头痛的敌人,中国队这8位小将中也注定会有世界级的名将诞生,先来认识一下他们的名字,男队:马龙(北京)、周斌(辽宁)、林晨(江苏)、李虎(八一);女队:常晨晨(辽宁)、刘诗雯(广东)、范瑛(江苏)、王璇(黑龙江)。
In the Chinese men’s team to associate the main lineup played in the European record of mediocrity, November 28, eight teenager Chen Jian and Huang Haicheng two coaches under the leadership of the East horsepower to participate in the World Youth Championship competition. Kobe six days, gains six gold, the Chinese team’s young Guards only lost in the men’s doubles on the host player Shikawa Kansai / Mizutani falcon. There is no doubt that a few years later, the World Youth Championship opponents will become one after another headache enemies, the Chinese team this 8 teenager is also bound to have a world-class star was born, first to recognize their names, Men’s Team: Malone (Beijing), Zhou Bin (Liaoning), Lin Chen (Jiangsu) and Li Hu (August 1); Women’s Team: Chang Chenchen (Liaoning), Liu Shiwen (Guangdong), Fan Ying (Jiangsu), Wang Xuan Heilongjiang).