5月24日5时许,广西梧州市桂江二路一栋高层商住楼十一层的一套住宅燃起大火,经过消防官兵近两个小时的奋战,大火被扑灭,未造成人员伤亡。 5时15分,梧州市“119”消防指挥中心接到报警后,立即调动直属中队3台消防车22名官兵赶赴现场。到达现场的官兵发现起火住宅冒出大量浓烟,红红的火苗在凶猛地往上窜,煤气罐、电视机等的爆炸声不绝于耳。
May 24 At about 5am on May 24, a residential building on the 11th floor of a high-rise commercial and residential building on the 2nd Jiangui Road in Wuzhou City, Guangxi Province ignited a fire. After firefighting officers and soldiers nearly two hours of fighting, the fire was extinguished and no casualties were caused . At 5:15 am, after receiving the alarm, the “119” Fire Command Center of Wuzhou immediately mobilized 22 officers and men of 3 fire engines directly under the squadron to the scene. Officers and soldiers who arrived at the scene found that a large amount of smoke was emitted from the fire house and the red flame was fiercely going upwards. There was an explosion of gas tanks, televisions and so on.