郅都与宁成我之所以想说说郅都,不仅因为电视剧《汉武大帝》中的郅都引起我的兴趣,还因为现实中的铁腕人物也往往恰如郅都,极易成为争议人物。《纲鉴易知录》在写到“以郅都为中尉”时这样评述郅都:“……都为人,勇悍公廉,不发私书,问遗无所受,请谒无所听,及为中尉,尤严酷, 行法不避贵戚;列侯、宗室见都,侧目而视,号曰‘苍鹰’。……”这段话与《史记》说的并无出入,估计是从《史记》摘编的。
郅 both and Ning Cheng I want to say 郅 all, not only because of the drama “Han Wu Great” in the 郅 all aroused my interest, but also because of the real iron man is often just as a mere matter, can easily become controversial figure. “Gang Ching Yi Ching Lu,” wrote in the “all lieutenant” when he commented: “... are all people, brave and honest, do not send a private book, asked nothing, please Ye did not listen, And for the first lieutenant, especially harsh, the law does not avoid the expensive Qi; Hou Hou, imperial clan see all, eye-catching, No. called ’goshawk’ ... ... ”This passage and“ Historical Records ”said no discrepancies, it is estimated From “Historical Records” excerpts.