没有一般文人的儒雅风度,也没有一般名家的派头,淳朴、热情、真诚,乍见生人,多少还显得有点腼腆。他不善言谈,还有点口吃。怎么也想不到他就是剧作家 在中国戏剧不景气的今天,郑怀兴以自己的心血酿造了一个个精湛的艺术作品,使传统戏曲的枯木绽出了新芽。自1980年以来,他先后创作了10多个剧本,两次蝉联全国优秀剧本创作奖,七次荣膺福建省优秀戏剧创作一等奖。他与四川“巴山秀才”魏明伦双峰齐秀,雄居戏坛,被人们称作当代中国戏剧领域的双璧。 郑怀兴可以说是一个地地道道的乡村剧作家。他
No ordinary manners demeanor, there is no general style of the masters, honest, enthusiastic, sincere, at first sight stranger, how much also seemed a bit untidy. He was not good at talking, still having a stutter. How can we never think he is the playwright In today’s sluggish Chinese drama, Zheng Huai-heng with his own efforts brewing a superb art works, the traditional opera of the dead wood sprout new shoots. Since 1980, he has successively created more than 10 scripts, won twice the National Excellent Script Creation Award and won the first prize of Fujian Excellent Theater Creation for seven times. He and Sichuan “Bashan scholar” Weiming Lun bimodal Qi Xiu, Xiongju opera, was called the contemporary Chinese drama in the field of two bi. Zheng Huai-Hsing can be said to be an authentic country playwright. he