编辑同志: 在以华主席为首的党中央英明领导下,打倒“四人帮”,宣传工作大解放。最近,《人民日报》就改进文风问题,刊登了读者来信和《编者按》,这对批判“帮八股”,努力恢复我党的好文风,有着重大的指导意义。《赤脚医生杂志》在过去一段时间里,发表的不少文章都能用较短篇幅、通俗精炼的语言来阐明道理,分
Editorial Comrades: Under the wise leadership of the party Central Committee led by Chairman Hua, the “gang of four” should be overthrown and the propaganda work be liberated. Recently, the “People’s Daily” has made great efforts to improve the style of writing and published letters from readers as well as “press by editors.” This is of great guiding significance in criticizing “helping the eight stock” and trying to restore the party’s good style of writing. In the past period of time, many articles published by Barefoot Doctor Magazine can elucidate the truth in a relatively short and popular language