建国后,毛泽东在一次接见外宾时说:“李克农是中国的大特务,只不过是共产党的特务。”1955年国庆前,中国人民解放军授衔时,他戴上了金灿灿的上将军衔。他是这次被授予上将军衔的52名将军中惟一一个没有领兵打仗的将军。 美国中央情报局获悉李克农去世的消息,欣喜不已,宣布休假3天。这个举动在中央情报局的历史上是没有先例的。 历史这样说:没有李克农,中国共产党的历史从30年代初以后可能就要重写。
After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Mao Zedong once said when interviewing foreign guests: “Li Kenong is a Chinese special agent and is only a special agent of the Communist Party.” Before the National Day of 1955, when the Chinese People’s Liberation Army gave his title, he wore the golden general’s rank. He was the only one of the 52 generals to be awarded the rank of general to fight without generals. CIA learned of the death of Li Kenong news, happy, announced the three days off. This move has no precedent in the history of the CIA. History says: Without Li Kenong, the history of the Chinese Communist Party may have to be rewritten from the early 1930s.