全国通信工程标准技术委员会(下称标委会)中南分会第一届会员大会于1996年11月27~28日在湖南省长沙市召开。全国标委会的领导同志亲自到会指导工作。湖南省标准技术局的领导得知中南分会在长沙市召开,当即表示支持,并亲自参与会议,协助工作。出席这次会议的有中南各省邮电管理局的有关领导和专家;有中南各省从事通信工作的设计、施工和工厂企业的领导和专家。会议的主要内容有: (1)传达全国标委会西安会议精神。(2)推选中南分会领导机构,中南地区委员会领导成员由9人组成:主任委员:
National Communications Engineering Standard Technical Committee (hereinafter referred to as the standard committee) South Branch of the first member meeting in November 1996 27 to 28 held in Changsha City, Hunan Province. National standard committee leaders to personally guide the work. The leader of Hunan Provincial Bureau of Standards and Technology learned that the Central South Branch was held in Changsha City and immediately expressed its support and personally participated in the meeting and assisted in the work. Attending the meeting were leaders and experts from the postal and telecommunications administrations of the Central and Southern Provinces and leaders and experts in the design, construction and factory enterprises engaged in communications in Central and Southern provinces. The main contents of the conference are as follows: (1) Spoke the spirit of Xi’an National Committee. (2) To elect the leadership organization of the South-South Branch, the member of the Central-South Regional Committee is composed of 9 members: Chairman: