Postpartum use of anti-D-globulin prophylaxis in RHo (D) -negative women is a common and effective method, however the authors still encounter individual cases of fetal polycythemia due to severe alloimmunization. In recent years, advances in treatment have improved the chance of fetal survival in affected pregnancies, but some sensitized women are reluctant to use these methods during pregnancy. The human Rh system is inherited by the Mendelian law, with D or d predominance, with approximately 85% of all Europeans being D positive and about 56% of all D positive individuals being heterozygous (D / d) for all D-negative women and D An early and safe prenatal diagnosis of Rh-D antigen by the fetus of a positive heterozygous spouse is of paramount importance for further pregnancy. Fetal red blood cells may be studied by villus specimens (CVS) at the end of gestation. Not with ABO antigen