五年制小语第五册9课《罗盛教》是一篇讲读课文。该文记叙了志愿军战士罗盛教为救朝鲜儿童崔(王莹)而英勇牺牲的事迹。重点写了罗盛教三次钻入水中救朝鲜儿童的经过。学习这篇课文,使学生初步理解按事情发展先后顺序记一件事的写法。教学中,教师要紧扣“按事情发展顺序”这一重点训练项目。按事情的“发生→经过→结果”这样一个事情发展先后顺序,全文可分为三段: 第一段(第一自然段),写一个朝鲜儿童在滑冰时冰破落水。这一段交代了事情发生的时间、地点、人物,重点写了事情发生的原因。第二段(第二、三、四自然段),写罗盛教三次钻入水中救朝鲜儿童而牺牲的经过。这段是本课教学
Five-year small language fifth volume 9 “Luo Shengjiao” is a text to read. This article chronicles the heroic sacrifice made by volunteer soldiers Luo Shengjiao in order to save the children of North Korea Cui (Wang Ying). Luo Shengjiao focused on writing drilled into the water three times to save the children of North Korea after. Learn this lesson, so that students initially understand the order of things according to the development of a way to remember the wording. Teaching, teachers should be closely linked to “the order of things according to the development of” this key training project. According to the thing “happened → after → results” such an order of development of things, the full text can be divided into three paragraphs: the first paragraph (first paragraph), write a North Korean children ice skating ice skating. This section accounts for the time, place, and character of what happened, focusing on the reasons why things happened. The second paragraph (second, third and fourth paragraphs), write Luo Shingjiao three drilled into the water to save the children of North Korea after the sacrifice. This section is teaching in this lesson