山西省广灵县原公安局政委符宝全利用手中的权力徇私舞弊、贪污腐化、任人唯亲,横行广灵10多年,人称“南霸天”,在社会上造成了十分恶劣的影响。记者闻讯来到地处雁门关外的广灵县,这个县的老百姓和广大公安干警们向记者讲述了这位“南霸天”的“称霸史”。 唯亲是用,排斥异己 现年53岁的符宝全,1962年起在广灵县公安局工作,1983年12月至1994年5月任广灵县公安局局长,后改任广灵县公安局政委。十几年来,凭借公安局长的特殊地位,符宝全成为广
Formal corruption, corruption, cronyism and rampant spirits of more than 10 years have been used by the former political commissar of the Guangling County Public Security Bureau of Guangling County, Shanxi Province, for allegedly “southern tyrants,” and have caused extremely bad influence in the society. The news came to Guangling County, outside Yanmenguan. The people in the county and the police officers from the general public told reporters about the “hegemony history” of this “southern tyrant.” The only progenitor is to use the exclusion of dissent The now-53-year-old Fu Baoquan, Guangling County Public Security Bureau since 1962 work from December 1983 to May 1994 Guangling County Public Security Bureau, later changed to Guangling County Public Security Bureau political commissar. More than a decade, with the special status of the Public Security Bureau, Fu Bao wide into wide