For a complete set of self-injector wellhead equipment, the device is basically parallel gate valve, parallel gate valve reliability and life depends on the extent of the gate seal. Slight leakage of the ram will result in severe wear of the ram and seat. Gate sealing surface, to ensure the tightness of the preload than the pressure, depending on the structure of the valve used in different ways to produce. In the fractional parallel gate structure preload than the pressure installed in the two half-gate brake between the cylindrical spring to produce, in the overall parallel gate structure preload than after the seat mounted in the butterfly Spring to produce. The main disadvantage of the two gate structure of the parallel gate valve is that the specific pressure on the sealing surface can not be adjusted. The wedge gate structure is complex and difficult to manufacture. Azerbaijan Petroleum Machinery Manufacturing Institute of Science in order to create a reliable parallel gate structure, the gate in the working state