美国医学会出版的《眼科学文献》编辑部按语: 对于眼压明显高于正常人平均值,而又无其他青光眼表现的患者应如何处理?在数十年以前,这类患者称为“早期青光眼”,全部都要治疗,甚至进行手术。后来又走向另一极端,认为是良性疾患,极少数才发展为青光眼,一般不必治疗。目前的看法大致位于上述两种观点之间。下面是几位作者的意见,供读者参考: 一、P.A.Chandler及W.M.Grant “高眼压”与开角性青光眼“高眼压”一词,目前常用于开角、视乳头及视野正常,但眼压高于正常范围。而“青光眼”,却普遍理解为眼压高、或有视乳头及视野
The American Academy of Medicine’s ophthalmology editorial note: What should I do with patients with significantly higher IOP than normal eyes and no other glaucoma? Some decades ago, these patients were referred to as “early Glaucoma ”, all have to be treated, and even surgery. Later it went to the other extreme, considered a benign condition, and only a few developed glaucoma, generally without treatment. The current view is broadly in the middle of these two perspectives. The following is the views of several authors for readers reference: First, PAChandler and WMGrant “high intraocular pressure” and open angle Glaucoma, “high intraocular pressure” is currently used for open angle, optic nerve and visual field, but the normal IOP is higher than normal range. The “glaucoma”, but generally understood as high intraocular pressure, or the optic nerve and vision