随着我国加入WTO ,中国参与科技竞争和经济全球化的进程不断加快 ,迫切需要大批了解世界各国文化、科技 ,具有坚实理论基础、较高学术眼界与水平和强烈社会责任感的高素质人才。高校无疑是这一需要直接责任者。因此 ,高校要主动适应这一社会需求 ,积极地稳步推动实现高等教
With China’s accession to the WTO, China is accelerating the process of participating in scientific and technological competition and economic globalization. There is an urgent need for a large number of highly qualified personnel who have a good understanding of the world’s cultures and science and technology, a solid theoretical foundation, a high academic horizon and a strong sense of social responsibility. Universities are undoubtedly the ones who need direct responsibility. Therefore, colleges and universities should take the initiative to adapt to the needs of this society and actively and steadily promote higher education