TO-55喷火坦克装有口径100毫米的火炮一门,采用了双向稳定器。火炮的任务是:歼灭敌人坦克、自行火炮、装甲输送车、步兵战车和有生力量,压制敌人炮兵及其各种火器。如果利用制式的瞄准镜,火炮的最大瞄准距离为6,900米;如果坦克用高低水准器从遮蔽阵地进行射击,射程可达14,600米。坦克炮的直射距离,穿甲弹为1000米;榴弹为1100米。该炮也可借助红外瞄准镜进行夜间直瞄,夜瞄距离为800米。火炮的射速每分钟7发。炮弹弹丸重15公斤,全弹重30公斤。 TO-55喷火坦克还配有7.62毫米前机枪一
TO-55 Fire-breathing tank equipped with a caliber of 100 mm artillery, using a two-way stabilizer. The mission of the artillery was to annihilate enemy tanks, self-propelled artillery, armored vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles and vital forces, suppress enemy artillery and various kinds of firearms. If the standard scope is used, the maximum range of aiming artillery can be 6,900 meters; if the tank is fired from a sheltered position using a level gauge, the range can reach 14,600 meters. Tank gun direct distance, armor piercing to 1000 meters; grenade 1100 meters. The gun can also be directed at the night sight with an infrared sight, night sight distance of 800 meters. Artillery fire rate of 7 rounds per minute. Cannonball projectile weight 15 kg, full-bodied 30 kg. TO-55 Spitfire tank is also equipped with a 7.62 mm former machine gun one