编辑版面如同厨师烹饪和布菜, 我认为,要解决“众口难调”的痼疾,让版面变得好看耐读,就必须不断出新, 在不违背办报宗旨的前提下,始终追逐着读者的喜好走。从2005年接手编辑《杂文报·校园内外》以来,在老总和同事们的鼓励支持下,我对固有版面进行了大幅变革, 现在体式样貌已趋于定型,读者参与度和优稿率与日俱增,来稿由开始的每期四、五十件,增长到现在的每期六
Edit the layout as chef cooking and cloth food, I think, to solve the “hard-to-tune” diseases, make the layout look good read, we must constantly new, without violating the newspaper’s premise, always chasing the reader’s preferences go . With the encouragement and support of CEOs and colleagues since taking over editing of The Essay Abroad, both inside and outside the campus in 2005, I’ve made some radical changes to the in-house layout. Now the style has become more and more stereotyped, and the readership and the rate of excellence are on the rise , From the beginning of each draft four or fifty pieces, increased to the current six