Comments on the Article “Writing in business courses: an analysis of assignment types, their charact

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  【Abstract】This article is a critical review of the paper “writing in business courses” by Wei Zhu in English for Specific Purposes. It introduces her study from the perspective of data analysis and the analysis of assignment types, their characteristics, and required skills. Then a comment on Wei Zhu’s Paper is made from the both sides of the coin.
  【Key words】Wei Zhu; Comment; Writing in business courses
  1. Concerning Wei Zhu’s study
  Wei Zhu’ study took place at a large university in the Southeast of the US whose College of business Administration has six departments. Following the same inductive method that Horowitz(1986), Braine(1995),and Hale employed in their studies, Wei Zhu analyzed the syllabi and handouts to identify major genre type of writing assignments. She also examined the syllabi, handouts, interview transcripts, records of follow-up discussions with faculty members and writing samples for the features of major business assignments. Here altogether nine genre types of assignments are referred to by examination of the syllabi and handouts. For the types of business writing assignments by instructional level, case analysis constitutes the largest portion, followed by article/book report, the business report, and business proposal, etc. In her article, she identified four features of the business genres: problem-solving and decision making orientation; to socialize students into the business world; an emphasis in persuasion; and to require students to work with different data sources, different types of evidence/support, and to utilize different tools to solve problems and make decision. Wei Zhu also includes the types of skills to perform the major business genres: cognitive skills, rhetorical skills.
  2. Comment on Wei Zhu’s article
  Wei Zhu reflects upon the past research method and distinctly points out their shortcomings. She based her study on Canseco and Byrd’s often-cited research on business writing, yet she goes further by providing the descriptions of different types of writing assignment. Her study, compared with Canseco and Byrd’s, was conducted in a larger scale and thus proves more convincing and more objective. Her study differs from the earlier studies in that her study included handouts as well as course syllabi for analysis. In data collection she examined 95 course syllabi and 124 assignments from both undergraduate and graduate courses, which ensured the efficiency and validity of the research and she goes further to encompass other sources of data. She followed the same inductive approach that Horowitz (1986) adopted in their studies, however, she modified the existing category of assignment types and created new ones. Most distinctly she uses “business report” to incorporate the prior categories and her new categories were a development over the earlier categories done by early researchers. Wei Zhu contributed to the claim of the institutional role and professional role for the students in the university context. She raises some questions for the future researches. Another contribution is the suggestive results that there are discrepancies between the skills required for assignments in business courses and those taught in EAP writing courses.   Nevertheless, “this study examined writing assignments required in the College of Business Administration at one college only.” Courses in different business colleges vary from one another and assignments may vary too. Her study could have analyzed writing assignments from different colleges. And her study does not include all the courses provided, and she could have examined writing assignments from different courses within a particular business area. The data gathered were examined by one research only, and bias from the researcher might have affected the analysis and interpretation of the data. It would be better for the research if it the data was collected by more than one researcher. Despite the limitations, Wei Zhu’s study nevertheless contributed to providing useful information involving the types of writing assignments in business courses and to the characteristics of the assignment types, skills needed to successfully complete the assignments. The findings of her study also provided some implication for writing curriculum design and instruction in EAP programs.
  [1]Canseco, G,
【摘要】在新课标教育教学改革的发展前提下,初中英语教学目标、教学内容与教学实践等,也发生一系列变革与创新。德育作为英语课程教学的重中之重,开始成为初中英语教学的主要关注方向与渗透点。本文通过分析德育教育内涵及其与初中英语拓展性课程的关系,以及对初中英语拓展性课程中德育教学的案例分析来完成对初中学生的英语德育教育。  【关键词】初中英语;拓展性课程;德育教育;渗透  【作者简介】王凯彦,宁波市北仑区
【摘要】教育改革新形势下,初中英语教学改革势在必行。英语写作是学生学习英语应该具备的四项基本技能之一,而初中英语写作教学是培养学生英语写作能力的重要途径。思维导图是一种契合人类大脑的自然思维模式,也是一种帮助学生思考与解决问题的有效工具。  【关键词】初中英语;思维导图;应用  【作者简介】周苏花,江西省南昌市新建区新丰学校。  本文以英语写作教学为切入点,分析思维导图在英语写作中的作用,探讨思维
【摘要】初中阶段的英语写作是英语教学重要组成部分,而农村初中生英语基础知识薄弱,再加上教师教学方式不当,导致学生写作很困难。而这种陈旧的教学方式也和当前核心素养观背道而驰,因而需要英语教师在核心素养指引下优化写作教学,真正促进学生全面发展。对此,本文则从转变教学观念、规范写作格式以及阅读写作相结合等方面分析初中英语写作教学在核心素养背景下具体策略,期待能改变农村初中生英语写作状况。  【关键词】核
【摘要】本文指出了普通高校应用英语专业在《国际结算》课程教学中存在的问题,包括学生学习积极性低,课堂参与度不高,实际操作能力差等问题,认为任务型教学法是解决这些问题的关键。在回顾了前人对任务型教学法的研究后,本文以托收这一支付方式为例,提出了任务型教学法在该课程教学中的具体操作方法,希望对提高应用英语专业《国际结算》课程教学效果起到一定的促进作用。  【关键词】任务型教学法;应用英语专业;《国际结
【摘要】本文探讨了在初中英语日常教学中如何基于学生的兴趣与优势将阅读与写作教学有效整合的话题。笔者将英语阅读与写作教学的整合融入日常教学当中,通过对一个具体的英语阅读与写作教学整合的案例进行分析与思考,尝试了一些阅读与写作有效整合的新方法,希望达到“任务整合,以读促写”,从而培养学生的英语思维,提高学生英语学科核心素养的目的。  【关键词】英语阅读;英语写作;有效整合;以读促写  【作者简介】葛慧
【摘要】分层教学模式是深化课堂教学改革的重要途径之一。本文从个别差异和因材施教理论入手,阐述分层教学模式在小学英语课堂当中的可实践性,并以合作小组的运用、评价分层作为其中的催化,对分层教学模式的运用进行初步的探讨。  【关键词】分层教学模式;可实践性  【作者简介】赵宗祥,甘肃省定西市通渭县西关小学。一、引言  所谓“分层教学”,一般来说,最平常的一种分层首先是按不同年级层次去教学,因为教师必须按
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【摘要】《黄色墙纸》是美国著名的作家夏洛特·帕金斯·吉尔曼的一篇半自传体短篇小说。在这篇短篇小说中出现了诸多意象,本文通过分析“房间”“孩子”以及“墙纸”的双重意象,探索《黄色墙纸》中女性的困境。  【关键词】《黄色墙纸》;双重意象;女性  【作者简介】杨文颖(1989.07.01-),女,侗族,贵州铜仁碧江人,贵州商学院大学外语教学部,硕士研究生,助教,研究方向:英语语言文学。  《黄色墙纸》是