会诊讨论会 颜振瀛教授:患者36岁,9个月的病程进行性加重,食欲差腹胀,四肢无力听力下降,皮质激素治疗后仅腹痛、腹胀减轻,但总病情仍逐渐加重,听力下降更明显,并出现反应力差,意识有时模糊。补充查体:呼吸浅快,贫血貌,意识朦胧,欠合作,反应差,眼球活动尚可,有水平眼震,四肢肌力Ⅲ级左右,腱反射:左上肢和右下肢偏低,感觉障碍:颈段有可疑的平面,四肢有远端型感觉减退.双踝阵挛(+),左Chaddock
Consultation seminar Professor Yan Zhenying: patients 36 years of age, 9 months course of progressive aggravated appetite, abdominal distension, limb weakness hearing loss, corticosteroids only abdominal pain, abdominal distension reduced, but the overall condition is still gradually increased, hearing loss more pronounced, And the reaction was poor, sometimes fuzzy awareness. Supplementary examination: shallow breathing, anemic appearance, dim vision, lack of cooperation, poor response, eye activity is acceptable, the level of nystagmus, limb muscle strength of about grade Ⅲ, tendon reflexes: lower left and right lower extremity, sensory disturbance : Suspicious cervical surface, distal extremity sensory loss .Akle-clonic (+), left Chaddock