夏日的一天傍晚,路明给儿子亮亮洗澡时,看脖子、腋窝和大腿根处黑乎乎的,便使劲地搓。亮亮却受不了啦。喊疼!可令路明奇怪的是,用肥皂再搓也搓不掉皮肤上的污垢。这是咋回事?再看看孩子的乳房。猛然惊出一身汗来,男孩的乳房怎么长得像女孩?难道十来岁的儿子要。变性”么? 于是,路明带着亮亮来找我。听着路明的诉说,看亮亮长得肥乎乎的体型,我心中基本上已明白其病因了。对他说:“时下像亮亮出现脖颈腋下等处皮肤粗黑,乳房发育
One summer day in the evening, Lu Ming bright bath to his son, look at the neck, armpits and thighs at the dark, they rub hard. Bright but can not stand it. Shout pain! You can make the road Ming strange is that rub with soap can not rub the skin dirt. This is what else? Look at the child’s breasts. Suddenly scared of a sweat, how the boy’s breast looks like a girl? Do ten-year-old son want. Degeneration “What? So, Lu Ming came to me with bright. Listening to Lu Ming’s lawsuit, looking bright and fat body size, I basically have to understand the cause of the heart .To him:” Nowadays Like a bright neck armpit skin black, breast development