教学内容:小学六年制数学课本第三册第78~81页。教学要求:理解有余数除法的意义及各部分之间的关系;懂得余数一定要比除数小的道理。教学过程: 一、准备题。 1.用3根小棒摆成一个三角形,9根小棒可以摆成几个这样的三角形? 指名读题后,师:请同学们想一想,用什么方法计算?你能根据题目要求摆出来吗?(指名板算,要求列式并用竖式计算出来。其他同学用学具操作摆图。教师巡视,请一同学到幻灯机的投影仪上摆。)学生摆后,教师提问。师:你是怎样摆的? 生:先拿出3根小棒,摆成一个三角形;再拿出3根小棒,又摆成一个三角形;还有3根小棒,又可以再摆1个三角形。订正板演。师:为什么用除法计算? 生:有3根小棒就可以摆成一个三角形,9根
Content: Primary 6-Year Mathematics Textbook Volume 3, pp. 78-81. Teaching Requirements: Understand the meaning of the remainder division and the relationship between the various parts; know the remainder must be smaller than the divisor truth. Teaching process: First, prepare questions. 1. Put 3 small sticks into a triangle, 9 small sticks can be placed into several such triangles? Named reading questions, the teacher: Please students think about it, what method to calculate? You can request Out of it? (Named board calculation, the required column type and use the vertical calculation .Other students use the school with the operation of the map. Teachers tour, please come together to learn projector slide projector.) After the students put the teacher to ask questions. Teacher: How do you put it? Health: first come up with three small sticks, put in a triangle; then took out 3 small sticks, but also put into a triangle; there are 3 small sticks, but also put a triangle. Correction board play. Teacher: Why is the division calculation? Health: There are three small sticks can be placed in a triangle, 9