
来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wudizeng
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  【Abstract】In this paper the author will research the translation of Buyi batik. The researching analysis on this issue will be based on theory of interaction. The batik is unique to Buyi that has been the intangible cultural heritage of the world. So this paper will do analysis on the translation of the batik to figure out useful ways and measures.
  【Key words】Brief analysis; English translation; Buyi batik; Theoretical exploring
  I. Introduction
  Based on the peculiar to buyi wax printing craft process of text as a form of translation study, tries to further explore how to through the research efforts of betters in the process of translation the wax printing goods use clever translation theory and the skills to it.
  This paper discusses the translation features and principles, and dedal on the translation principles and skills of the batik yield process.
  II. The specific study on translation of text of Buyi batik making
  As a world intangible cultural heritage, the technology is the most popular cultural essence of cultural celebrities and cultural communicators. How to translate the production of the cloth batik technology into English is the best interpretation of the value.
  2.1 Effective translation strategies
  The several translating strategies are well recommended while doing such kind of text translation:
  2.1.1 Domestication
  Planning requires translation to be closer to target language readers, and planning helps readers better understand the translation and enhance the readability and appreciation of the text. But planning may not take care of the reader’s needs. In buie wax printing production text translation, there are some tendencies and western painting skills can make the process of planning.
  2.1.2 Foreignization
  Contrary to domestication and foreignization is the service for readers, in order for readers to understand and grasp reading material culture, the translation can be close to the readers aim to serve the readers, foreignization is often in some culture conflict and difficult to understand articles in use. The advantage of alienation is that the audience or readers can better understand the cultural charm.
  2.1.3 The combination of domestication and foreignization
  The combination of domestication and foreignization effectively solves the contradiction between language and culture, which is often adopted by many translators.   2.2 The difficult points of translation of this issue
  The difficulty of translation of batik is mainly focused on the achievement of the goal of the cultural level and the final translation.
  2.2.1 Cultural perspective
  Because of the buyi belong to ethnic minorities, the batiks beyond it has a more than hundred years of history, historical culture and national culture deep, along with the progress of The Times, the social values change, the old and new things and different ideas are integrated into the ancient and mysterious buie wax printing production art. So take a very high value of brilliant art craft text translated appropriately and value remarkableness two-way standard.
  2.2.2 The achievement of text art
  The translation achievements of text are mainly reflected in the readability and value, and the three stages in the translation realm are put forward by Yanfu, expressiveness and elegance. Of requirements on the basis of understanding to underline the main idea of the text and the characteristic, like buie wax printing production text, to ensure that the introduction of production batik culture is in conformity with the original idea.
  III. Conclusions
  Plus the buyi ethnic cultural characteristics and unique buie wax printing craft, the translation must have life experience, to understand the characteristics of the original text, based on the cultural differences between English and Chinese, choose flexible translation methods, for example, this paper promotes the effective combination of alienation and domestication. Once in a specific operation, there are many new translation skills that can be applied flexibly. We can use it helps to understand and techniques that embody the standard of cinda as long as the translated text has realized its value.
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  [2]Newmark Peter.A Textbook of Translation[M].Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001.
  [3]Venuti Lawrence.The Translator’s Invisibility:A History of Translation[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2004.
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【摘要】由于社会的快速发展和英语学习者水平的不断提高,那么英语学习者的语言运用能力就会变得越来越重要。  【关键词】参与式教学法 高职英语 效果分析  在我国,高职学生的专业应用性非常强,也具有极强的适用性,如何使高职学生在最有效的时间里把所学到的英语语言表达能力应用到实际的工作中呢?这个问题就变得十分重要,也是我国高职英语课堂教育教学中面臨的一个难题。这就要求我们高职学校的教师能够在教学实际工作
【摘要】随着时代的发展,经济全球化已经成为了一种趋势,现今的社会是极其需要英语人才的。大学是我国最为重要的人才培养摇篮,因此現今大学英语教学应当要顺应时代进行改革,当前我国大学英语教学是存在着一定的问题的,基于此我国大学教学管理部门应当投入精力进行改革。就此本文结合实际,浅谈大学英语教学现状及其发展的思考。  【关键词】大学英语 教学 现状 发展 思考  一、引言  随着现今我国大学英语教学改革逐
【摘要】新形势下,社会在不断地发展和进步,我国对于人才培养的重视程度也越来越高。英语是一门非常重要的学科,高校英语教学水平高低不仅对学生的整体英语水平有着重要影响,还对学生的未来展有一定意义。翻译教学是英语教学中重要的组成部分,因此,新时代背景下提高英语翻译教学质量和效果,可以很大程度上促进英语教学的整体水平,从而为学生的未来发展奠定良好基础。  【关键词】新时代背景下 英语翻译教学 研究  新时
【摘要】“互联网 ”时代为大学英语教学的改革与创新提供了优势平台,促进了大学英语教学的改革与创新。以互联网为依托的慕课、微课等教学模式的出现,对学生富有个性化的学习创造了广阔的空间,促进了大学英语教学有效性的提高。本文首先对“互联网 ”时代对大学英语教学的积极作用进行了简要分析,进而就“互联网 ”时代背景下如何推动大学英语教学的改革与发展提出了一些可行性措施。希望能给大学英语教学有益的参考与借鉴。