Chinese Economy and Excess Liquidity

来源 :China & World Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jupming_snoopy
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This paper considers five indicators of excess liquidity to verify its existence in China.Based on the analysis,we argue that the People’s Bank of China and other banks in China are responsible for the excess liquidity in China.Other factors,such as the excess savings resulting from the poor social security network,the asset bubble and the foreign exchange system,fuel banks with abundant liquidity.To tackle the problem of excess liquidity and direct capital into productive sectors,the traditional use of monetary policy alone is not sufficient.The semi-administrative tool“window guidance”and other macroeconomic control methods are required. This paper considers five indicators of excess liquidity to verify its existence in China. Based on the analysis, we argue that the People’s Bank of China and other banks in China are responsible for the excess liquidity in China. Other factors, such as the excess resulting from the poor social security network, the asset bubble and the foreign exchange system, fuel banks with abundant liquidity. To tackle the problem of excess liquidity and direct capital into productive sectors, the traditional use of monetary policy alone is not enough. semi -administrative tool “window guidance ” and other macroeconomic control methods are required.
听、说、读、写四种能力是小学语文教学中一个相互联系,相互促进的整体。新课标指出:语文课程应指导学生正确地理解和运用祖国语言,丰富语言的积累,培养语感,发展思维,使他们具有适应实际需要的识字写字能力、阅读能力、写作能力、口语交际能力。为此,我谈谈如何进行小语教学的读、说、听、写四种能力的培养。  一、强化读的兴趣,激励学生爱读  “书读百遍,其义自现。”朗读教学自古就被重视,但在目前的语文教学当中,