Today, I went to my aunt and my classmates to play. Aunt said enthusiastically: “We do coconut ball together! ” “Ah? Do coctail? ” I exclaimed, thinking: at home, I would at best pour a boiled water, do coconut Ball so difficult thing, usually by the home “everything ” mother is responsible. However, under the strong demand of my aunt, we decided to bite the bullet and always had the first time! “” 45 grams of butter and 110 grams of sugar ... “I looked at the data on the computer while” According to map search Ji ". Oh, I have all the materials ready. The next most crucial step is to twist the flour into a small ball and then roll it over the coconut shreds. I saw aunt with chopsticks gently pinch dough, placed in my palm, and then use a spoon sprinkled dry flour on my palm. My left hand immediately lay flat, right hand covered in the left hand dough hard rub, rub for a while,