
来源 :小学生时代 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bangliju
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今天,我和同学去姑姑家玩。姑姑热情地提出:“我们一起来做椰丝球吧!”“啊?做椰丝球?”我惊呼,心想:在家时,我顶多会倒个开水,做椰丝球这么高难度的事儿,一般都由家中的“万事通”妈妈负责。但在姑姑的强烈要求下,我们还是决定硬着头皮上阵,凡事总有第一次吧!“黄油45克,白砂糖110克……”我一边看着电脑上的数据,一边“按图索骥”。呵,我把材料都准备好了。接下来是最关键的一步,要把面粉搓成小球,之后再在椰丝中翻滚。只见姑姑用筷子轻轻夹住粉团,放在我手掌上,再用勺子将干面粉撒在我的手心上。我的左手立刻放平,右手盖在左手的粉团上使劲搓,搓了一会儿, Today, I went to my aunt and my classmates to play. Aunt said enthusiastically: “We do coconut ball together! ” “Ah? Do coctail? ” I exclaimed, thinking: at home, I would at best pour a boiled water, do coconut Ball so difficult thing, usually by the home “everything ” mother is responsible. However, under the strong demand of my aunt, we decided to bite the bullet and always had the first time! “” 45 grams of butter and 110 grams of sugar ... “I looked at the data on the computer while” According to map search Ji ". Oh, I have all the materials ready. The next most crucial step is to twist the flour into a small ball and then roll it over the coconut shreds. I saw aunt with chopsticks gently pinch dough, placed in my palm, and then use a spoon sprinkled dry flour on my palm. My left hand immediately lay flat, right hand covered in the left hand dough hard rub, rub for a while,
In this investigation,sensitive and reproducible methods are described for quantitative determination of deflazacort in the presence of its degradation product.
Melittin is a basic 26-amino-acid polypeptide that constitutes 40–60% of dry honeybee(Apis mellifera)venom.Although much is known about its strong surface acti
情境教育法是语文教学中较为常见的一种。它主要是通过图像、影像、音乐和语言的描述,创造具体生动的情境,调动学生的学习兴趣,引导学生学好语文。它集趣味性、形象直观性为一体,并与教学创新相联系,符合小学生的心理特征与当前的教改要求。现在,我从以下几点谈谈利用该教法的体会。  1.利用投影,再现情境。利用投影将文章的重点环节直观再现于学生眼前,具体生动,是学生喜闻乐见的方法。在讲《火烧云》一文时,如何让学
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