全新奔驰S级重新打造了豪华车的标杆,无论驾驶、乘坐还是科技感都达到了一个新的水平。但对于改装厂商来说,这似乎都还不够完美,于是乎全世界针对这款旗舰车型打造的改装案例也是层出不穷。本期型车魅影拍摄的是由北京亿佰欧打造的奔驰S级改装作品,全新的外观套件加入似乎又重新定义了S级的属性,即豪华又能运动,这就是完美。外观方面,来自德国Prior Design专门为全新奔驰S级打造的空力套件加入,让这款车型焕发出新的光彩,增添了许
The new Mercedes-Benz S-class luxury car has re-created the benchmark, regardless of driving, riding or sense of technology has reached a new level. But for the refit manufacturers, this seems not perfect enough, so the world for this flagship model to create the modification case is also endless. This edition of the Phantom is shot by the Beijing billion Baiou Europe Mercedes-Benz S-class modified works, the appearance of the new suite seems to have redefined the S-class attributes, that luxury and sports, which is perfect. Appearance, from Germany Prior Design specifically for the new Mercedes-Benz S-class to create a space force to join, so this model glow new luster, add a little