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一例甲状腺功能正常的20岁白人妇女,出现两个可触及的甲状腺结节。闪烁扫描显示峡部与一可触及的结节相应的位置有一吸收增加区。其余甲状腺,包括位于左叶上部的可触及的另一结节,吸收减少。显微镜检查显示弥漫性淋巴性甲状腺炎,峡部滤泡性腺瘤和左上叶粘液表皮样癌。已证实甲状腺以外无粘液表皮样癌的原发灶。甲状腺粘液表皮样癌以前未曾报导,简要地复习了文献并讨论了病因。 A 20-year-old white woman with normal thyroid function developed two palpable thyroid nodules. The scintigraphic scan shows an area of ​​increased absorption at the site of the isthmus corresponding to a palpable nodule. The remaining thyroid gland, including another palpable nodule located in the upper part of the left lobe, had reduced absorption. Microscopic examination revealed diffuse lymphoid thyroiditis, follicular follicular adenoma, and mucous epidermoid carcinoma in the left upper lobe. It has been confirmed that there is no primary lesion of mucoepidermoid carcinoma other than the thyroid gland. Thyroid mucoepidermoid carcinoma has not previously been reported, a brief review of the literature and discussion of the cause.
有些食物不吃,看看都觉有趣。鸭蛋,比如高邮咸蛋,胭脂样圆圆的蛋黄,让人想起创世纪时的红日。豆腐,嫩白的水豆腐,切成一小块一小块,在清水锅里煮,冒着淡淡的热 Some foods d
一、辣味中段用料:鲤鱼一尾(重约1000克),葱15克,生姜25克,陈皮10克,郫县豆瓣酱、海天老抽、绍酒、盐、白砂糖、味精适量,香菜2棵,色拉油100克。 First, the spicy middle o
由苏州市、无锡市、常州市、扬州市、镇江市参加的五城市烹饪技艺交流活动,3月20日在镇江市竹轩宾馆举行了首场交流,拉开了全程交流的序幕。 The five city cooking exchang
炎炎夏日里,有没有最美最惬意的美食?是又沙又甜的西瓜,还是冰冰凉凉的可乐、雪碧或绿豆百合莲子汤?抑或是品着那红彤彤香喷喷 Is there any hot and humid watermelon or i
清炒茭白原料:茭白两根,精盐,味精,葱白,大蒜,胡萝卜,植物油。做法:1、将茭白削去皮,切成菱形片,葱白、大蒜、胡萝卜切成片。 茭 white powder 茭 raw materials, two white
有人对歌曲作家饮酒作过研究,发现作家和诗人一样,酒后思维机器运转加快,才思敏捷,想象丰富,不断爆发出灵感的火花,能即兴创作出好的歌曲作 Some people have done research