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一、世界各国会展经济的发展现状 欧洲是世界会展业的发源地,其会展经济整体实力最强、规模最大。尤其是地处欧洲中心、交通便捷的德国位居世界展览国家之首。每年世界上最重要的150个专业展览会,有近120个都在德国举行,世界上最大的四个展览中心有三个在德国,汉诺威、法兰克福、慕尼黑、杜塞尔多夫等都是国际著名的展览城市。德国展会的国际参与度很高,国外参展商的平均比例达48%,国外专业观众的平均比例达到25%。德国举办展会不仅展览中心面积大、设施齐全,还特别注意与周围设施的配合,其周围的铁路、公共汽车、地铁、货运站、航空、往宿、城市旅游、娱乐文化等条件都很便利。以美国和加拿大为代表的北美的会展经济发展也非常快,著名的会展城市有拉斯维加斯、多伦多、芝加哥、纽约、旧金山、波士顿等。 I. Development Status of Convention and Exhibition Economy in Various Countries in the World Europe is the birthplace of the convention and exhibition industry in the world. Its convention and exhibition economy has the strongest overall strength and the largest scale. Especially in the center of Europe, Germany, with its convenient traffic, ranks first in the world of exhibitions. Each year the world’s 150 most important professional exhibitions, nearly 120 are held in Germany, the world’s four largest exhibition center of three in Germany, Hannover, Frankfurt, Munich, Dusseldorf are all internationally renowned Exhibition city. The German fair has a high level of international participation, with an average of 48% of foreign exhibitors and an average of 25% of overseas professional visitors. The exhibition center in Germany not only has large exhibition area and complete facilities, but also pays particular attention to the cooperation with the surrounding facilities. The surrounding railways, buses, subways, freight stations, airlines, places to stay, urban tourism, recreational and cultural facilities are very convenient. The convention and exhibition economy in North America represented by the United States and Canada is also very fast. The famous convention and exhibition cities are Las Vegas, Toronto, Chicago, New York, San Francisco and Boston.
The Yithi submarine canyons,composed of four canyons less than 60 km in length,are located on the narrowest part of the East China Sea(ECS) slope.They extend fr
On May 12,2008,a magnitude 7.9 earthquake ruptured the Longmenshan fault system in Sichuan Province,China,collapsing buildings and killing tens of thousands peo
患者女,40岁,1个月前无明显诱因出现上腹部疼痛不适,呈持续性钝痛,阵发性加重,无恶心、呕吐及腹泻、黑便,无胸闷、发热.全身皮肤黏膜无黄染、水肿、皮疹及蜘蛛痣等.腹部平坦,未见肠型及蠕动波,肝脾未及,全腹无压痛,移动性浊音阴性,未及包块.全身浅表淋巴结未及肿大.肝包虫皮试阴性.包虫酶标试验阴性.实验室检查:癌胚抗原(CEA)700 ng /L(0~8 000 ng /L),CA19-9 600 U